Piedmont Medical Solutions
Updated Thu August 31, 2023
Published Under: Urological

Catheters play a vital role in patient recovery and in the management of different health conditions. Proper care and maintenance of your catheter is crucial in preventing complications. If you are new to the world of catheters, it is quite common to have many questions about catheter care and maintenance. In this blog, we will share with you answers to commonly asked questions about catheter care and maintenance to help you have a seamless experience with your catheter.
Q: How Often Should I Change My Catheter?
A: How often your catheter will need to be changed will depend on the type of catheter you have. Your doctor will give you instructions on self-catheterization and how often you should be changing your catheter, so it is crucial to follow all instructions given to you.
Q: What are Common Problems Associated with Catheters?
A: There are a few different problems associated with catheters such as no urine draining, blockages, leakage, and infection. To reduce your risk of running into any of these problems, it is crucial to always prioritize hygiene when handling your catheter and supplies. Be sure to follow all instructions given to you closely and stay hydrated.
Q: Can I Take Showers or Baths with My Catheter?
A: Showers are typically recommended with a catheter as baths can cause problems with your catheter site. Avoid using any scented soaps or lotions, as these can be irritating and can lead to infections and other problems.
Q: What Should I Do If My Catheter Gets Blocked?
A: If you experience any blockages, it is important to seek medical attention immediately as this could be a sign of infection or your catheter may need to be changed.
Q: What are the Common Signs of Infection?
A: Common signs of catheter-associated urinary tract infection include pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, blood in the urine, fever, nausea, and headache. Contact your doctor immediately if you are showing any signs of infection.
Q: How Do I Effectively Care for My Catheter Site?
A: Your doctor will give you instructions on caring for your catheter site. Be sure to always wash your hands before and after handling your catheter and keep the insertion site clean and dry. Never tug, pull, twist, or kink the tubing.
Q: When Should I Contact My Doctor?
A: If you experience any significant changes, are showing signs of infection, pain, discomfort, burning, fever, or feel extremely tired and achy, it is important to contact your doctor immediately. If you run into any issues with your catheter, such as a blockage or leakage, always consult with your doctor.
With these helpful answers, and by closely following all the catheter care and maintenance protocols, you can reduce the risk of infections and complications with your catheter, allowing you to focus on your health and recovery. If you have any questions about catheter care, our team at Piedmont Medical Solutions is here to help you. Contact our team by giving us a call or filling out our contact form.