Living with a catheter can be a challenge. From navigating the basics of catheter care to dealing with the emotional ups and downs that come with it, it's natural to have questions and concerns. At Piedmont Medical Solutions, we're committed to supporting you every step of the way. That's why we've put together this Catheter FAQ, answering the most commonly asked questions about catheters and providing you with the knowledge and confidence you need to take control of your care.

Catheter FAQ


Q: What is a catheter?

A: A catheter is a thin, flexible tube inserted into the body to drain fluids or introduce medications.

Q: What are the different types of catheters?

A: There are several types of catheters, including Foley catheters, intermittent catheters, and external catheters.

Q: How is a catheter inserted?

A: The insertion process depends on the type of catheter. For example, urinary catheters are inserted through the urethra, while IV catheters are inserted into a vein.

Q: Is catheter insertion painful?

A: Some discomfort may be felt during insertion, but medical professionals use techniques to minimize pain.

Q: How do I care for my catheter?

A: Proper catheter care is crucial to prevent infection and ensure proper function. This includes keeping the catheter site clean, securing the catheter to prevent movement, and monitoring for signs of infection.

Q: How often should I change my catheter?

A: The frequency of catheter changes depends on the type of catheter and individual needs. Generally, catheters should be changed every 7-14 days.

Q: Can I shower with a catheter?

A: Yes, you can shower with a catheter, but it's essential to take precautions to prevent water from entering the catheter. Use a waterproof bag or cover the catheter with plastic wrap to keep it dry.

Q: How do I prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs)?

A: Preventing CAUTIs requires proper catheter care, good hygiene, and monitoring for signs of infection. It's also essential to use a catheter only when necessary and to remove it as soon as possible.

Q: Can I travel with a catheter?

A: Yes, you can travel with a catheter, but it's crucial to plan ahead and pack extra supplies, such as catheter bags and cleaning materials.

Q: How do I manage catheter discomfort or pain?

A: Managing catheter discomfort or pain requires proper catheter sizing, securement, and care. You can also use pain-relieving medications or creams to alleviate discomfort.

Remember, proper catheter care and maintenance are crucial to ensuring your safety and comfort. If you have any further questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider, or, if you need high-quality catheter supplies, contact us at Piedmont Medical Solutions.